If I try to copy and paste a formula, the formula changes to match the next row. How do I paste the same simple formula into many cells with out it changing.
example: =IFS(B109=0,Q2,B109=1,Q3,B109=2,Q4,B109=3,R2,B109=4,R3,B109=5,R4)
Each result (i.e. Q2, Q3 Q4 etc.) has a different text that gets placed into the cell depending on the number typed into B109 or B110 or B111 etc.
And, by the way, if I every make it through the tags and the reCaptcha, I will probable never use this site again. It is a waste of time trying to get verified that I am not something from outer space. The thing keeps coming up in a different langue. And the requirements for tags is ridiculous. it is never satisfied.