I knew I could copy one cell without changing it using the technique described
here. But for multiple cells, it takes too long.
A way to do it for several cells in one go is :
- to select them and copy them into cllipboard (Ctrl +C)
- to move them by drag and drop (holding down the left mouse button, going to the place where you want to copy them and release the button)
- to click to the top left corner where the cells come from and paste the clipboard (Ctrl + V) in order to also have them at the original place
I wrote this post because I could not find any other way to do it with the paste special option. If this functionality is not available though, it would be so useful to get it implemented to avoid the workaround given above. Copying cells without changing their formulae happens so many times.
Anybody who knows a workaround to the method given below, please post I am interested in.
NB: Thanks a lot to all the group dedicated to make the libreoffice project so great and free.