How do I realign a section in the resume format between pages?

I’m currently using the default resume template included in LibreOffice 24.2. My resume is more than one page, and because of that, the section that is initially with a margin in the center moves to be left aligned in a much smaller section on the next page. How do I move this section, or remove it and set a new margin on the second page? I would like the text on the second page to be on the same margin as the first.

sample1.odt (27.6 KB)

Please provide a sample file and tell OS version.




Screenshots always trigger additional questions and requests in order to identify the issue. A sample file is much better because it carries all the formatting information. But nonetheless, except in very trivial cases, you can’t draw conclusions from a screenshot.

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I initially didn’t include a larger portion or sample file because the document included personal information. I’ve edited out the information in a copy. I’m running Windows 10. Thanks for telling me how to be more clear.
sample1.odt (27.6 KB)

These sections are delicate little plants. They are made for continuous text and run over the below of a page. If you want to prevent this, you must stop writing at the bottom in good time and end the section there. You can open a new section with new properties on the next page.

If I understand correctly, you want to create a CV. But I would recommend a different approach for this. Something that is usually frowned upon, namely working with text boxes or frames. To give you an idea of what it might look like, I’m sharing a sample file here:

80068 HB Curriculum Vitae Template 3 (23,1 KB)

If you create several pages individually, you may be able to design this even better in Draw.

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Your pages have got 2 columns and the section3 behaves normally!

What is a section? A section can “fill” main text area, table cell, frame. A section expands in its borders to 100 (or sometimes more or less) per cent. A section can lead text overflow to the next page like in your case.
Page 1, right column, end of page: The “normal” text overflow starts on next page in the top left column which is logic behaviour.
For my better understanding I have colorized the sections (area/background of sections) and can better show you the problem.

Is there a remedy or good advice?

For I do not know the entire contents of your resume it is hard to give good advice. If you don’t have some more text for page 1 I would diminish the page margins, say 1.5 cm for each and then go further…

I would think of tables for layout the text alternating to sections.

You could test another similiar template:
(Be aware that is no official source of The Document Foundation! The examples are mostly poorly formatted but can show the right direction to a successful attempt.)

Also check:

As an approach see the same resume built of a table. The right column text remains on the right when flowing from page 1 to page 2.

goldiilux_sample1 table.odt (31.2 KB)

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Not in this case. Name and contact means are a good candidate to be hosted by a frame on the first page. And since this looks like DTP, anchoring To page is probably a good idea.

Anyway, this template is “awful”.

First, it configured the page style for 2-column though text is not meant to flow between the columns. This is the cause of incorrect placement of data in the second page. In fact, the first column should be considered a wide left margin into which you could place margin notes or headings.

Second it uses sections inside columns (Job/date) for what is tabular data. A two-column table is better fit for this layout and less complex to implement.

Last, as a factory-provided example, it is really wrong in its demonstration role: it uses direct formatting instead of character styles. Apart from Heading 1 and 3 (with direct formatting overloaded; where is level 2?), everything else is Body Text (with paragraph direct formatting) instead of promoting the use of different styles for what is semantically different.

IMHO (but I am probably too demanding on document quality and ease of maintenance), this “template” should be seriously reviewed to eliminate all adverse consequences resulting from its layout and formatting.

Thanks for the advice, everyone! I’ll try to tinker with the template more, and look at others to see if there’s anything I like/easier to format/etc.