How do I recreate the example in LibreOffice Writer?

I want to recreate the following example in LibreOffice Writer.

Especially the [1] and the numberings – a,b,c on same level.
I know how to italicize and special characters insertion.

Could you provide me suggestions?
I’d be grateful for your help.

LibreOffice Version:

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: e1cf4a87eb02d755bce1a01209907ea5ddc8f069
CPU threads: 8; OS: Windows 10 X86_64 (10.0 build 19045); UI render: Skia/Vulkan; VCL: win
Locale: en-US (en_US); UI: en-US
Calc: threaded

To recreate the look, more information is needed. This looks like a list, but what is the “[1]”? Is this number part of the list numbering? In other words, is this a 2-level list where the first level is numbered [1] and the second level is a, b, c? Are there several such lists in the document?

Presently, such a look can not be created with the standard list feature because of the [] around the fitst level number. On first thought (waiting for more details/specification), the best which can be done is 1.a, 1.b, 1.c.

I see a contorted solution to it, but what is your knowledge of styles? Are you familiar with frames (and their difficult styles)?

For better proposal, what is your OS name (W$ 10 according to tag?), LO version and save format? The ideas I have in mind will be stable and reliable only if you save .odt?

Why did you tag image? Is the example you want to insert in a document? In this case, simply insert it. Nothing more is needed.

(EDIT: an unforgivable typo changed completely the meaning of a sentence – I typed too fast and forgot word “not”)

[1] is the number of the example. Here it is first example.
[28] means 28th example.

I think it’s 2-level list; first level numbered [1] and the second level a, b, c.
The example excerpt is from a 1998 grammar book.

Presently, such a look can be created with the standard list feature because of the [] around the fitst level number. On first thought (waiting for more details/specification), the best which can be done is 1.a, 1.b, 1.c.

Please do tell me how.

I see a contorted solution to it, but what is your knowledge of styles ? Are you familiar with frames (and their difficult styles)?

I have basic knowledge of styles.
Also, aware of frames and have used them on image and captions still find them difficult to comprehend and the usage.

For better proposal, what is your OS name (W$ 10 according to tag?), LO version and save format? The ideas I have in mind will be stable and reliable only if you save .odt ?

OS name: Windows 10
LibreOffice version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Document format: ODT

Why did you tag image? Is the example you want to insert in a document? In this case, simply insert it. Nothing more is needed.

The example I want to recreate is from the image. I believed, I should insert image tag.

I was a bit too categoric in my previous comment. If you accept a slight change in the look of the examples, you can indeed implement this appearance.

The main issue is the fact you want a different decoration on the number across levels. A second difficulty is the suppression of level-1 number on second and subsequent items. This pushes the list feature to its limits.

The first point on different decoration can be solved if you separate the example (“block”) number from the “sample” (“grammatical examples”) numbers. Then you specify different separators in your levels:

   a. first
   b. second

You have an “empty” level-1 item, followed by level-2 items.

It is possible to visually “shift” the block number aligned with the base line of the the first grammar example. This requires a contorted trick:

  • level-1 items are formatted according to a different paragraph style then the other levels, so that this level-1 can be made invisible (but not hidden otherwise Writer completely ignores them)
  • a frame is attached to the first level-2 item
  • the frame contains a cross-reference to the level-1 item

If you go for this contorted workaround, I suggest you record the whole structure in an AutoText entry to ease your job.

I have implemented 3 solutions in AskLOSpecialMultiLevelListFormat.odt (39.4 KB). Study carefully paragraph and list styles. I also created a dedicated Example frame style.


The solutions are truly instructive.
Thank you for your time and help.