How do I see what objects are on which layer

I am new to Libre Draw and I find a few things that are not intuitive, possibly because of way I think versus how Draw works. I have set up several layers, and the only way I can see what is on a layer is to hide it. Then I have to figure out what is missing instead of seeing only what is on that layer.

I have also found that if I am on a specific layer and want to move an object to that layer, simply doing a cut and paste on that layer moves it to that layer. I found that helpful, but I would still like to see what is on a layer without having to hide all the others.

Seems backwards. What am I missing?

Any insights would be appreciated. Larry

Mark the Layer and with Shift+Click you can hide and unhide the Layer (toggle).
You can select several Layers at the same time.

Please consider:
The way we are talking about layers are misleading in a sense.
The layers aren’t implemented as containers of some kind, but as a property value assigned to every single shape.
Therefore a routine used to investigate which shapes are “on a specific layer” cannot ask a layer object which shapes it contains, but must ask every shape contained (now actually) in the current page if they have assigned that layer.

What you think of as “the layer you are on” actually is selected as the layer which will be assigned to the next inserted shape.
You may want to play with a sloppy solution contained in the demodoc
layerDemo.odg (16.4 KB)

Bug 56498 - Add Layer manager window / Enhance the Navigator

I tend to name as many objects as I can at the beginning so copied objects take the same name but add a number. Frequently I will group all the objects on a single layer into one or two named groups which makes it easier. Also I tend to lock layers I am not working on. Objects in a layer should be related somehow which is another clue.

The next LibreOffice version ( = 24.8) will have the new feature, that when you hover the tab of the layer with the mouse, then all objects which belong to this layer are shown in inverse colors. You can install a daily build alongside a normal installation to test the new feature.


Thanks. It is what it is. Just wanted to make sure i wasn’t missing something.