How do I use the curve tool for animations in the Impress presentation program?

I am trying to trace a curve on the Impress presentation program. I suppose the Curve tool is the best tool for this but I can’t seem to find a way to use it properly (BTW, the help extension on my suite does not work - it just opens up the Write program, but that’s another question which I will post separately). I don’t want to just draw any curve but to trace over an existing curve in a jpg image.

(BTW, the help extension on my suite does not work - it just opens up the Write program, but that’s another question which I will post separately)

Write into search form: animation - and the index will alter

animation along curve: see attached file

How to:

  1. You’ve inserted bee and chalcboard
  2. select the bee
  3. Click the green + to add animation
  4. Animation side panel: Category > Motion Paths
  5. Select Category > Motion Paths :: User Paths > Freeform Line
  6. Cursor now appears as cross&path form
  7. Draw your special path: The path starts with arrow and ends with one > direction of moving the object
  8. Be aware that the user defined path is in light grey, so it is hard to see around a graphic object - move the object for better checking/recognising
  9. For altering the user defined curve: Click Points or F8, do your changes, then move your object back if necessary
  10. Try out, hit F5 key



Yes, it’s not easy to find out the right way for that. Hopefully the off-line help system will be improved resp. there are some books (!) where you will find step by step advice for animations…