How to change a cell color based on the name of the color

In a nutshell, I want to change the background color of cells based on the name of the color entered in another cell.

In other words, if the entry says “Red” then I want the background of another cell to change red.

It looks a bit like this:
On the first worksheet, the user enters color names.

On the 2nd sheet, the color words are copied (strictly for reference) but I’d like the cell beneath it to be that color.

Example (ignore the Engelbreit entry):

image description

I’m completely baffled how to make this happen.

If it’s any help, I’ve created a reference table with style names to match:

image description


I’m not sure, whether I got this question right, but to color the background by a color name in another cell can be done by a single conditional formatting according to this.


  • All required cell styles defined in advance
  • The example applies the condtions to range A2:AMJ1000 (i.e. the first 1000 rows of a the sheet, where the conditional formatting is defined to).

Please see also the following - just type one of the names from sheet Legend into the first row of any arbitrary column in sheet UseColors and all cells down to row 1000 of that columns will get the background color due to the conditional formatting.


According to this answer, your statement

On the 2nd sheet, the color words are copied (strictly for reference) but I’d like the cell beneath it to be that color.

is incorrect. The color words a fundamental for the conditional formatting to work. No word - No background color.

Hope that helps.

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How could that solution be made to work regardless of case (eg lower, upper, mixed, etc)?