How to change decimal separator *fast*

I am searching for a way to switch between german and english number formats without having to scroll through all available languages. I don’t really care about german and english in general in this case, what is important for me is the decimal separator.

What would be ideal: A menu button or shortcut to change between “,” and “.” as decimal separator.

What is the fastest way to do this? Is there a way to customize the actions to make it easier?

A Macro perhaps?

Styles perhaps?

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Just create a custom style with all of desired properties - except the language property.
Then create child style based on your custom style and set the language differently in them. If you want modify a property, it is enough to modify the parent style, all of the ingherited properties will be changed in the child styles: except the language.

CellStyles.ods (7.7 KB)

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Even if we aren’t interested in generic language services/tools (check spelling?), there is the little disadvantage that the assumed “default date format” depends on this language setting. These formats are bad for en-gb and for de-de as well - but in different ways. In fact they are very bad for next to all locales.

The only pair of language settings I know being different concerning the decimal separators, but having both ISO 8601 extended set as the default date format in recent versions of LibreOffice Calc are en-ca(1.5 : 2023-12-14) and fr-ca(0,5 : 2023-12-14). In addition fr-ca is the only locale I know not using one of the deprecated Thousands Separators.

(This may not be due to superior intelligence, but is supposed to be standardized due to the permanent problem of serious misunderstandings in data exchange between Canada and the USA. Surely Canada would also prefer bad formats otherwise - as “they all” do.)

From the attached example you can learn that things get easy with Canadian settings. I’m using them since they were availablke this way despite being a German and living in Germany.

disask87639numberFormatSuggestionPermanent.ods (31.2 KB)

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