Dear all,
I have a big spreadsheet with some merged cells. Is it possible to use find tool to find all the merged cells in it ?
Thank you
Dear all,
I have a big spreadsheet with some merged cells. Is it possible to use find tool to find all the merged cells in it ?
Thank you
Dear friend, you can use something like this macro:
REM Author JohnSUN -
Sub getMergedCells ' Create an index of merged cells '
Const INDEX_NAME = "Index Of Merged Cells" ' Name of sheet for a table of contents and header '
Dim oSheets As Variant ' All sheets of current spreadsheet '
Dim oSheet As Variant ' Single sheet '
Dim i As Long
Dim nCount As Long ' Count of merged cells '
Dim oCellFormatRanges As Variant
Dim oEnum As Variant
Dim oCell As Variant ' Single cell '
Dim oCursor As Variant ' Range of mergd cells '
Dim sRes As String
Dim aRes As Variant ' Array of all merged cells '
oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets()
aRes = Array(Array(INDEX_NAME))
For i = 0 To oSheets.getCount()-1 ' For each sheet in current workbook '
oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(i)
oCellFormatRanges = oSheet.getCellFormatRanges()
oEnum = oCellFormatRanges.createEnumeration()
Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements()
oCell = oEnum.nextElement()
If oCell.getIsMerged() Then
nCount = UBound(aRes)+1
ReDim Preserve aRes(nCount)
oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oCell)
sRes = "=HYPERLINK(""#"+oCell.AbsoluteName+""";"""+Join(Split(oCursor.AbsoluteName,"$"),"")+""")"
aRes(nCount) = Array(sRes)
Next i
If LBound(aRes()) > UBound(aRes()) Then
MsgBox("No merged cells...")
If oSheets.hasByName(INDEX_NAME) Then oSheets.removeByName(INDEX_NAME)
oSheets.insertNewByName(INDEX_NAME, 0)
oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(0)
oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, 0, nCount).setFormulaArray(aRes)
ThisComponent.getCurrentController().select(oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,1)) ' Show new index '
End Sub
Thank you very much.
Then I think it’s not possible to use the find tool.
Yes, m.a.riosv and you are right - it’s impossible
Yes, m.a.riosv and you are right - it’s impossible
Use =COUNTA(first cell: last cell)
to count merged cells in a column. Then copy the formula for all columns. You can click and drag for that. Then take sum of all formula cells.
Aha! I have a similar problem, but with about a 420k rows. And the data is fairly sparse - lots of blanks. I think “CountA(row)+CountBlank(row)” should work, but it looks as if LO has gone navel-gazing in a terminal way …
Are you looking for help or for a place to post amateur poetry?
Merging cells was always doubtable and created problems if not used with extreme restraint. Violating this rule wasn’t done by libO but possibly by a navel-gazer.
A similar problem, though less easily avoided, is caused by ranges locked for array output.
You should find what you need in the attached example:
disask19109AnnoyingRanges.ods (13.8 KB)
The code is written with much less discipline than it was applied by @JohnSUN.
The report concerning merged cells will only show a name for the top-left cell of the merged range.
I think not, but selecting a column or a row where they are, they become easier visible.
If you urgently want a way to find merged cells without relying on user code, but using the F&R tool, you may draw upon one of some possible workarounds, all requiring additional discipline when editing the sheets.
) at the end of the text content of each merged cell. Using regular expressions you can find the merged cells then with $
in ‘Search For’. Please note that the quoted string already contains the invisible character U+200B in front of the “$” (2 characters!).Regarding 1: Not well fitting in case of merged cells containing formulae which return a numeric result. Such cells should only occur as a rare exception, however.
Hi @Lupp I have received a spreadsheet with thousands of cells, and probably there are only 2-5 cells that are merged. These 2-5 cells merged are errors, and I want to find them, make a visual check and than make some correction by hand.
Than I need something like this
I think that it could be useful to have something similar in calc.
Thank you
For the described case JohnSUNs Routine is extremely suitable.