A few minutes ago a question to this effect by someone else was posted. It was deleted since obviously. Because I already had made up an answer I will post it now nonetheless.
To be able to do so, I posted this question.
I personally never use cell indentation, and I would dissuade of. Like any attributes it should under no circumstances be used as a “surrogate for explicit data”. Sheets doing so wrongly may be repaired with the help of the function posted below.
I wrote it years ago to answer another question somewhere else.
Function getCellIndent(pSheet As Long, pCol As Long, pRow As Long)
REM The result uses the SI unit m.
Dim theDoc As Object
Dim theSheet As Object
Dim theCell As Object
'Catching some foreseeable errors. Assigning the irregular value -1 as indicator.
pSheet = Int(pSheet)
pCol = Int(pCol)
pRow = Int(pRow)
theDoc = ThisComponent
If (pSheet<1) OR (pSheet>theDoc.Sheets.Count) OR (pCol<1) _
OR (pCol>1024) OR (pRow<1) OR (pRow>1048576) Then
getCellIndent = -1
Exit Function
End If
On Error Goto errorExit:
theSheet = theDoc.Sheets(pSheet-1)
theCell = theSheet.getCellByPosition(pCol-1, pRow-1)
getCellIndent = theCell.ParaIndent*1E-5
End Function
It seems to still work as expected, but also see this thread and the comment by @Regina there.
A little dem you find here.