I have a grid with Calisthenics Workouts; id, type (what body part works most), exercise name, tier (difficulty level) and repetitions (example 4x6 or 30’) I actually have this split in multiple sheets by body parts with a grid listing id, exercise name, tier1 repetitions, tier2 repetitions etc… However I think merging them like described above is more practical.
I have a different sheet where should create a workout plan, I need to enter the Tier I want to use and the Muscle group (type) I want to work on for each day, so I have two cells outside the printing area with for example 1 for tier and Abs for workout type.
VLookup seems to be limited, What I use to pass these two parameters and lookup a random exercise (based on IDs) in a way that I pull 4 different lines? Example in my workout plan, for monday I’ll have 4 to 6 exercises to perform, one per line, the line will look like “Abs Crunch 4x6” the first part is the exercise name and 4x6 is the relative repetition for Tier 1 for example. Is it possible to have 4-6 rows of data pulled randomly and different each other? I guess I could refresh the query until I get all different ID but this will not be practical since I have to do this for 4 days each with 4 to 6 exercises, might be exhausting to refresh and get all different for each group.
Extra: would be very cool to also have all exercises different considering all the days, since many exercises affect multiple muscles, therefore you can find them in multiple categories.
Edit: Apparently I workedout with the VLookup formula, and I keept the sheets separated and Tiers in colum, I have a cell with intended tier, for example 1 and in my Vlookup I add this to the target colum, so since Tier 1 starts in column 3 I have 2+Tier where Tier is the name of the cell, and this works well.
Edit 2: Using Indirect I was able to assign ABS to a near cell and have it interpreted as a named range, this worked pretty well. The last thing I’m unable to do is to always pull different rows.