How to make a pop up list with selected item returned to macro

I want to make a macro that can create a pop-up box with a list of items to choose from, similar to a ‘select’ HTML tag with size = to the number of items. Upon selection of one of the items, that item is returned to the macro for further execution.

How can I create this pop-up box with a macro written in basic?

Only the InputBox exists as a predefined tool in the StarBasic:without any selecting feature.
You can create a Form, and you can create (manually or programatically) a Combo Box or a List Box on the Form . Then you can control that Form and the Form Control Elements by your macro.
The controlling method depends on which Application you want to use the Form with.
You can store the manually created Form(s) in a Module of the the document or in a myMacros of the LO. The temporarly (programatically) created Forms exist in the Memory only.


Hello, it’s possible to use a dialog with listbox, e.g.

Sub Fill_Listbox
    oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getbyname("Sheet1")
    oRange = oSheet.getCellRangebyName("A2:A16")
    aData = oRange.getdataarray
    DialogLibraries.loadLibrary( "Standard" )
    dlg_Listbox = DialogLibraries.Standard.dlg_Listbox
    odlg_Listbox = CreateUnoDialog( dlg_Listbox )
    oListbox = odlg_Listbox.GetControl("Listbox")
    for i = 0 to uBound(aData)
       sListboxText = aData(i)(0)
       oListbox.addItem (sListboxText, i)
    next i
    if odlg_Listbox.execute then
        print "Success, you selected: " & oListbox.SelectedText
end sub

here’s a sample file
Dialog_with_Listbox.ods (15.6 KB)

If you have a relatively new version of LO, you can use the ScriptForge PopupMenu service which is explained in detail here:

A snippet of an example from that page is:

 Sub ShowPopup
     Dim myPopup As Object
     Set myPopup = CreateScriptService("SFWidgets.PopupMenu", , 300, 300)
     myPopup.AddItem("Item ~A")
     myPopup.AddItem("Item ~B")
     vResponse = myPopup.Execute()
     MsgBox("Selected item ID: " & vResponse)
 End Sub

I’ve been using this in a project of my own. It sounds like just the kind of thing you want.