How to move odd or even rows on a large sheet?

Hello, i have a large sheet about 2500 rows, on this sheet on the odd rows are text and numbers, on the even rows are numbers only. Every odd row has a join with the next even row, I need to move all the odd rows two rows bellow so that at the end the odd and the evens will be reversed. On the first attached picture is a part of that sheet as it is and on the second how i want it be.

Karolus gave me this solution :
in a new sheet enter:


into A1 and A2, select both and pull down.
but when i do it i get back this =#REF!.A2 what’s the wrong?

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Sheet1 is only an Example you have to replace it with semantically your SheetName

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Karolus thank you very much i did it!!!