How to put Heading 2 in a right page header?

I have a document with chapter numbering set up as Heading 1 and section subjects set up as Heading 2. I have gone by the following link to try to add my Heading 2 into my right page header as a field with the page number following it but print preview shows just the page number. I’m attaching my document which is a translation into Portuguese and here’s the link of the previous help question I am trying to go by:

test A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing-copy for upload.odt
[link text]

(How can I put a running Heading 2 in a header?)

I inserted the field chapter> chapter name and selected level 2

What am I doing wrong?

Screenshot of my Heading 2:

What your huge image shows is just that there is a paragraph containing a (supposed) chapter title and having assigned the paragraph style named Heading 2. The number appended to “Heading” there is, however, just a part of the name. It isn’t the outline level. This level you need to choose by modifying the style, and using the tab Outline & Numbering. The chapter field inserted into your right-pages header must then also be edited, and get the same outline level assigned.

That works! Thank you!

If you add it in answer I can check it as the solution, yes?

You didn’t define the appropriate outline level for your paragraph style
Heading 2. There isn’t assigned one at all.
If you want to use the second level, you need in addition to also set this level for the chapter-field used in the page header.
See attached reworked file. Go to pages 9 and 11 there.

I just added a screenshot of my Heading 2 paragraph showing what I thought is the appropriate outline level. Is this not correct? I’m not sure what you mean about defining the appropriate outline level and how to do that.