How to show * as superscript in a formula ?

I am using libreoffice I was writing a document and had to insert a formula. In the formula I had to show w* for complex conjugate of. I wrote the command
in the formula editor, but unfortunately it did not worked (it took it as multilication). So please someone give me a command to represent the asterisks or * as superscript.

Thank you

You can use the asterix as character: w^"*"

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‘(U+002A) Asterix’ is the standard character used to indicate multiplication. However, there are quite a few homologues, and I bet that one of the following will work:

  • *(U+002A) ASTERIX
  • ⁎(U+204E) LOW ASTERIX
  • ⚹(U+26B9) SEXTILE
  • ✱(U+2731) HEAVY ASTERIX

And then, because I like showing off, there is:-

  • ℂ(U+2102) DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C (the set of complex numbers)

I found ٭(U+066D) to be ridiculously difficult to delete. Neither [Delete] (U+007F) DELETE nor [←] (U+0008) BACKSPACE would remove it. Only selection+[Delete] did it.

If this helps then please tick the answer (:heavy_check_mark:)

I found ٭(U+066D) to be ridiculously difficult to delete. Neither [Delete] (U+007F) DELETE nor [←] (U+0008) BACKSPACE would remove it. Only selection+[Delete] did it.

Well that’s natural. That character is “ARABIC FIVE POINTED STAR” (as correctly mentioned in the answer); it uses RTL script. As such, it needs “reversed” (from LTR point of view) handling: Del removes it when cursor is to the right of it, and Backspace works for it when cursor is to the left of it.

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{{}*{}} also works

I think the accepted answer (^ " * ") will have the * too far and too small.
and the answer with {{}*{}} resulting * that seems too big, it is more like multiplication.
In order to get the result that i think is compatible with other math (for example with your plot),
I found that this seems to be the best, for example, ^%Ux2217.
but in my case i have to add the symbol to the list first, using the method here.

A simple method to get the asterisk also is to use


which is rendered as


In practice, the results might depend on the configured fonts to some degree. For instance, many monospaced fonts render the asterisk in the center of the line, most variable-width fonts seem to render it raised. On my system neither the code-editor font of Math not the code font for code here renders the “full height” asterisk, but e.g. Source Code Pro and the standard code font in Matlab do.