How to turn off dark mode?

I updated Libre Office, opened a Calc file, and suddenly it had the most horrible looking Dark Mode imaginable. I never turned it to dark mode in my life. My assumption is it automatically chose dark mode because my Windows is in Dark Mode?

I went to Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Personalization and tried both no themes and a theme, but both kept having some horrible dark mode features.

I also made sure the Application Colors aren’t set to dark mode.

How can I turn this off without having to turn off Dark Mode for Windows COMPLETELY?

See Where is the dark mode switch for 7.5.1? - #2 by mikekaganski

and for LO Tools > Options > LibreOffice > View > Scheme, LibreOffice 7.5 - change from dark mode to normal - #12 by mikekaganski


somehow I was never notified of this answer, but the latest comment DID notify me and reminded me of this issue 2 years later… thank you so much, that totally worked!!

@asdf does this solution help you maybe?

misteriously appearance of libreoffice since everything dark. even a blank page.

i hope someone can show me the correct solution.

Please see my answer here, My Spread Sheet has gone all dark since I last used it about two weeks ago - #2 by EarnestAl

thank you but what do you think about this:

libreoffice => options => aussehen => options: dark

libreoffice-themes => new => choose a name … => anpassungen, einträge: hintergrund des Dokuments, Farbe Dunkel: Weiß

go back to Ansicht/View: choose something with … (Dark) or … (SVG + Dark)

Take care, is fragile when changing the “aussehen” options; take care, see New Writer loads in Dark Mode - #3 by vsfoote . You might have to reset your user profile, LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki, so back it up first.

It would be easier to go to *LibreOffice-Themen* select one of the offered themes, Dark Grey Theme, perhaps. Or create your own new theme

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