I generally dislike the idea of “unhealthy documents”, including those created by file format conversion. There is nothing in the ODF standard, nor in the program design, that would tell “if it’s converted, or something, then we are OK to do some mysterious things”. Of course, the conversion may make some things more difficult: they may create thousands styles, apply all sorts of direct formatting, use not-widely-known features - but all that, while may make user’s life more difficult, and makes advises to avoid such conversions as much as possible useful, is not a license to make screen output different from PDF output in a confusing way. Everything used in a conversion, must still work in a predictable and well-defined way.
Things like this are simply bugs.
By the way, every case where we have to ask user to reset the profile, is also in that bug category; it’s true that often, it’s almost impossible to debug and fix, but it is a bug nevertheless, and as soon as there will appear a reproducible scenario, it becomes actionable.