I just upgraded to LOF version 7 on a Mac and now i'm not able to save newly-created documents. I can edit and save existing docs.

I recently upgraded to v7 and can create new documents, but when I try to save them, the system will think for a few minutes, then respond to the previous state without saving the doc. I can edit and save documents that I previously created.

Recent MacOS X releases have become very picky about security. Have you granted LO enough privileges? Having no recent MacOS X to practice, I can’t give you directives but I know you must declare LO to the OS.

Do not use a Fresh version for your daily works. It is for enthusians, for testers.
Use the latest Still version: it is the LO 6.4.6 today.
And always use the native, international standard ODF file formats.


please read my answer to this question Unable to Save or Save As any document even in Safe Mode, which describes how to provide Full Disk Access to LibreOffice.app.

Addition: There are also reports which mention that the following procedure might fix the issue:

  • Open terminal program
  • Change the directory to the app folder: cd /Applications)
  • Execute: codesign -vvv --deep --strict LibreOffice.app

(I could not yet test this procedure, since I don’t have the issue right now)

Hope that help you as well.