See, this is what I was talking about.
In 1982 I studied electronics in the Navy, Then in 1987 I started at ASU AND DEVRY to learn computers, programming, and computer design: graduating with a degree in computer engineering. I worked for INTEL ,and later for Orbital Sciences ( a division of NASA). I’m even certified on a CO2 laser to burn and laminate motherboards and I’ve manufactured billions of microchips and CPUs.
Well 40 years later I’m retired, and not on top of every new piece of hardware and new Windows based piece of software.
Now, I have no desire to learn a foreign language Everytime I need a simple chore done.
There MOTO may be THINK, but I think it better to have months of actual productivity over months of setting up the books to track productivity.
I help design the M-ER F-ING computer you use today, only to be treated condensendingly by a Computer Tech - for simply pointing out the obvious: you need to know what Index, Max, Match and a hundred other code words mean and all their special syntextes are before you can use the Wizard.
Great tool for Debugging - but not for a Novice - thank you to whoever pointed it out.
You will know how I feel 40 yrs from now, when your the Tech with a hundred programs no one ever heard of (like DOS, Word Perfect, and DBase), and you have a dozen programming languages no one ever uses anymore (like Assembler) on your resume and then some punk kid is talking to you like youre computer illiterate…
I understand. I guess I had the same feelings you exhibit here when Windows did away with DOS.
To those who are trying to help - Thank you for the information. And to those who feel so smug and superior: you’ll see… Just wait long enough… As AI comes on line there will be no need for techs and programmers anymore. You’ll be like me - a dinosaur with half a dozen degrees in shit that don’t exist anymore.
I guess it is man’s fate to return to university at age 120 - just to learn one more software package - probably to keep my pacemaker operating…
As for all of those people who were lined up to give me the right answer - there was one kind person who offered a solution - and it came back with lots of error messages. But thank you very much for trying.
OH, Wait a minute. You are the fellow who offered a solution - until you got on your high horse - because your solution did not work…
As for expressing the occasional tongue-in-cheek joke. You take yourself way too seriously. And I know people who take themselves too seriously: I’ve known Trump for nearly a decade now…
Don’t worry. I won’t be back.
I’m going to find a community not so full of itself. You’re worst than the Congressmen I work with …
And I’m going to arrange a government grant of 10 million dollars to develop AI in Calc/Excel just to hasten the day that conceded putzes like you won’t be in a position of importance anymore.