I need the ability to see where I am in the search results

I really need to get away from Microsoft Word but I work with very large documents and do a LOT of searching and I really must know where I am in a search (like result 12 of 52). I end up moving back and forth so I need it to update real time.
It doesn’t look like Libre Writer has this ability. Is it in the works any time soon?

Do you mean the Find and Replace feature? The are two buttons: Find Previous, Find Next. That will highlight the actual one.

I need an actual counter like Microsoft Word uses.
I put a word in the search box, like “thing.”
It searches the entire document for “thing.”
It finds 52 occurrences of “thing.”
I click NEXT.
It goes to occurrence 1 of 52.
It says “1 of 52” just below the search box.
I click NEXT.
It goes to occurrence 2 of 52.
It says “2 of 52” just below the search box.
And on and on.
Or, if I happen to be in the middle of the document when I do the search, it might say I am at 25 of 52.

Here you address your questions to other users. If you need some missing functionality, you need to file a feature request.

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…And what do you want to do with the number?

I just need to see the number to know where I am in the large document.

If the page number is insufficient to show you where the word is, then continue with your enhancement request and post the bug number here in the style tdf#123456 so others can find it.

tdf#163100, with the functionality already implemented (video).


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