Ignore line spacing at top of page?

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I found the Compatibility option for “Add paragraph and table spacing at tops of pages”, but that doesn’t include line spacing.  For example, as shown in the below screenshot: when lines are double-spaced, and a paragraph is split between pages, the last line on the first page may have 60% of that double-space to the bottom page margin (shown with the hatch mark), and the next line on the next page includes the remaining 40% of the double-space below the top margin.  What I would like is for the first line on the page (shown with "2014, ") to ignore the line spacing and align with the top margin.
Screenshot from 2023-06-24 23-51-17

I cannot confirm your observation… See screenshot (double spaced paragraph; runs from one page into the other)…
BTW: Couldn’t you upload a sample file?!

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Please upload your ODF type sample file here instead of the image.

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Paragraph “geometry” has several parameters. Some are “external”, others are “internal”.

Paragraphs rely on a box model (in the same general meaning as in HTML). The outer parameters define the size of the global box which are usually named spacing, border and padding. Writer has adopted a slightly different vocabulary for “spacing” which separates horizontal spacing called indent and vertical spacing which keeps the name spacing. Each “side” is controlled individually as left and right, above and below.

This external geometry leaves “in the middle” the useful area where text goes. Given a font size, text can be made more or less dense by forcing kerning (horizontal character spacing) or line spacing (vertical character spacing). Since this in internal to the box, all office suites I know of always honour these internal spacings.

The situation is different for external spacing. Some (like Word) consider this external spacing an inherent part of paragraph configuration and always honour this parameter. It may also be that when Word was initially implemented 40 years ago, no reflection about this behaviour was ever conducted. Others (like Writer) consider this is only a means to clearly separate consecutive paragraphs so that one can stand out of the others. At top of page, there is no preceding paragraph and the parameter is ignored.

Both approaches have their pros and cons. The main inconvenience appears on title pages or at start of chapters (where I want my heading to be offset downwards, not laid out flush at top of pages). Personally, I always tick the compatibility setting, but this the result of a pondered decision.

Regarding line spacing, this parameter is managed in a subtle way. It is used of course to space lines apart, also to decide where to break pages. However, when you start a new page, the base line is set at a distance equal the glyph size as reported by the font. No extra spacing is added above the glyphs.

To convince yourself, write a demo file in 36 pt with double line spacing. You’ll notice that every first line is flushed at top of page. The spacing you think there is depends on the actual characters you have because they all are designed with various heighs but thay all align on the base line.


Hi all,
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Thanks for your input. ​ ​Sorry I didn’t think to share a sample file–you’re right that would have been much easier to work with. ​ ​I’ll keep that in mind for next time.
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​My OP was slightly flawed in its description, too: I wasn’t actually using double-spaced line spacing, but instead Fixed of 0.40", which is slightly less than double-spaced, but indeed adheres to its namesake, even across pages. ​ ​Using double-spaced actually solves the problem I was having too, but is too much for this document. ​ ​I’ve currently settled on Proportional of 180%. ​ ​This looks nearly, if not exactly, the same as before, but now also takes care of my issue: the first line of each page is against the top margin, irregardless of how close the last line on the previous page is to the bottom margin.
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Here’s one last picture for you, showing no waste of space at the top of the page:



So only you could give the correct answer because it is not the answer to your original question but simply another question. Congratulations!

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Such is life, and glad I figured it out, too! If I had actually been using double-spaced, then I wouldn’t have noticed any problem to post about to begin with, as shown by the others who couldn’t reproduce the problem. There’s no further questions, are there?. By design, I assume using the Fixed type of line spacing is meant to always put the appropriate amount of space between pages in order to always maintain the specified space between lines. I’m sure there’s a need for such formatting, therefore no need to implement a way to ignore spacing at the top of a page using this type of spacing when proportional can provide the required formatting already. Am I missing something?