Image missing in LibreOffice, but showing in MS Word

test_doc.docx (164.3 KB)

Can any one please help me understand why if you open this .docx test file with MS Word, the image inside displays just fine, however if you open it with Libre Office, the image doesn’t show at all.

Simply because there is no image in the file. You can tell by using the Navigator in the right side pane.

I also don’t understand why you have a rectangle anchored to the footer. If you intend to have borders on your pages, the correct way to do it in Writer is to request borders in the page style (I have no idea how to do it in Word).

If the document is for your personal use, save it as .odt, as any application is really at ease with its own format. Any alien format requires translation/conversion which leads to formatting loss.

That’s not true. There are two:

   132490  10-23-2023 18:35   media/image.png
    11640  10-23-2023 18:35   media/image2.png

Navigator displays only what was imported and added to the document model.

@edgar.moura please report as bug and attach the sample file to the bug and report the resulting bug number back here in the form tdf#123456. Thanks.


Opening with Word (Microsoft® Word para Microsoft 365 MSO (versión 2309 compilación 16.0.16827.20166) de 64 bits ), one image is visible, if there is a second, I don’t know how to find it.
After save with Word the image is visible opening with Writer.

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Fwiw, ./word/_rels/document.xml.rels has

  <Relationship Type="" Target="/media/image.png" Id="R18e21ca506824ccd" />
  <Relationship Type="" Target="/media/image2.png" Id="R0946de864c0a4858" />

where image.png with R18e21ca506824ccd is the larger picture and image2.png with R0946de864c0a4858 some logo image. Referenced in the document is only image.png as

        <wp:inline distT="0" distB="0" distL="0" distR="0" wp14:editId="50D07946">
          <!-- omitting some <wp:...> elements here -->
          <a:graphic xmlns:a="">
            <a:graphicData uri="">
              <pic:pic xmlns:pic="">
                  <a:blip r:embed="R18e21ca506824ccd" cstate="print">
                      <a:ext uri="{28A0092B-C50C-407E-A947-70E740481C1C}" />
                    <a:fillRect />

It might be that isn’t correctly interpreted and saving in Word (again?) writes it slightly different that then is correctly read.

Again, this is worth a bug report.

One of them (the image.png) is .jpg type image really, with wrong filename extension. (tried with IrfanView after unpacking)

Yeah right, good spotting.

file media/image.png
media/image.png: JPEG image data, Exif standard: [TIFF image data, little-endian, direntries=0], baseline, precision 8, 1000x500, components 3

That mismatch might be related, and maybe loading and re-saving in Word corrects it. But this is both speculation. A Writer dev should investigate and for that to happen submitting as bug is best.

I have just encountered the same problem in the latest LibreOffice Writer. Not only does the image appear in Word but also Google Docs but it is missing in Writer. I would share it but I don’t own the document nor the images used which are copyright.

You posted this as a solution. Confirming the issue and stating good intentions do not constitute a solution.

Do not use the “Suggest a solution” button unless you have a suggested solution to a posted problem.

Instead, use the “speech bubble” icon to the right below each entry. That is the tool used to post a comment.

Sorry, I expected to find a box at the bottom to add to the thread.