Impress export to pdf is corrupted


When I export a pdf from LibreOffice Impress I get a corrupted (in the sense that several slides are almost entirely covered by white squares) pdf.

Can someone help? Thanks in advance!

Your second link is not clickable.
And there are linked images in the linked .odp document. Of course they can not apperare in my LibreOffice because they are not present near the document file.

Thank you!

The link was correct but not clickable somehow. I just edited my question to make it clickable.

There are indeed linked files in the presentation, but as you can see on the pdf, the issue does not come from them.

I can download the PDF version now.
Smaller sample files would be better… Not a simple task to recognize the missing parts (and the type and other properties of the missing parts) in the PDF document…

I made a single-slide odp, which gives a corrupetd pdf Any help would be highly appreciated.

My attached PDF file has been exported from my LO 7.5.7x64 on Windows10x64 prof - after opening your sample file. Direct PDF export by clicking on the PDF icon on the toolbar.

test_LO757.pdf (406.6 KB)

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Very weird. I tried with with LO 7.6.2, 7.5.7 & 7.4.7, and both render corrupted pdfs… PDF export used to work just fine. What can I do to get help? Thanks!

PS: Submitted a bug: 157680 – Impress export corrupted pdf on MacOS