In Calc. How to stop a value from incrementing when copying by draging to an adjacent cell

Example. When I copy the value $18.00 by dragging it to the adjacent empty cell, either vertically or horizontally, it is copied as $19.00. I would like to stop this incrementation but I can’t find how to do this.


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Thanks for the reply. I tried your suggestion Ctrl-Drag. I didn’t work. The value dragged to the new cell still incremented by +1. I am surprised that there doesn’t seem to be a way to turn off this action.

I had a good friend by the name of Tibor. Everyone called him Tibe. His surname was Fazikas, Hungarian heritage.



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I just tried Ctrl-Drag on another spreadsheet, and it worked. No increment.



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There is. The same method described by @Zizi64 works for me.
Try to wtite a figure in a cell, enter, then grab the square handle of the cell and drag down (without releasing the left mouse button). You should see a preview of the values ro be inserted, now press also Ctrl-key (or press and hold before grabbung the cell-handle). You should see the value(s) changing. Release the mouse button.
But maybe: Are you using MacOS? (Often has its own ideas to handle keyboard)


Thank you very much for your reply and instruction regarding my “incremented value” question. I tried what you said, and it works as you describe. Much appreciated.

I still think that there should be a way to stop the value in a spreadsheet cell from incrementing automatically by default when using the cell handle to drag it to a horizontal of vertical adjacent cell. I believe this automatic increment is not what most users would want to happen, most times. I have looked everywhere I can think of under my LibreOffice’s “Customize…” and “Options…” functions and can’t find a way to do this. Bummer.

I am running LibreOffice on my Dell desktop computer and Windows 11 is my OS.



Another? Just hold Ctrl.
Try with Ctrl+D, to duplicate the upper cell.


Just holding the Ctrl key works. Thanks for the tip. I still think there should be some way to stop the increment by default.



Hi there,
Same for me, but using Calc on MacOS 15.2
None of the solutions here are working…

Thank you :slight_smile:

Isn’t it the propeller / Cmd key on macOS?

Thank you for your reply.
No, the cmd key (left or right) has no effect on drag and drop…

Note that the original question wasn’t about drag&drop but dragging the cell border’s corner handle to enlarge the values’ range, with or without incrementing values. Maybe something different than your problem.


Thanks for your reply.

Yes, my original question was regarding how to drag a cell’s border’s corner handle to copy its numerical value to the adjacent vertical or horizontal cell without incrementing the value. Incrementing the value by one unit seems to be the default, and I can’t find a way to stop this.

Work around methods have been suggested that work. I just wanted to find a way to delete the automatic instrumentation of the value by default when copying the value to an adjacent cell by using the original cell’s corner handle.



Buy MS Excel, it does what you want 9 times out of 10; mostly it doesn’t increment but sometimes it does, that is what makes it exciting.

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Not the kind of suggestion I expected from the LibreOffice community. I like my old Lotus 123.

Thanks anyway.

I like Calc because I know that it always increments when I drag; if I Ctrl+Drag it always copies.
I hated the excitement of Excel because you never knew if it would increment or if it would copy.


Thanks for that. It works for me too. I used OpenOffice for many years and then switched to LibreOffice about a year ago. Good move.

I like it that LO Writer will open just about every document created by other older word processors. Nice.



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