Indication in regards to which cells are protected in WRITER, beyond clicking into every single last one?

OSX Mojave 10.14.6

Just wondering how one might go about getting some kind of indication of which cells in a table are protected, perhaps via highlighting or something similar, to show up?
Currently the only way I have of knowing that a table cell is protected is by clicking into it; it’d be nice to get a “bigger picture” view regarding table cell protection.

Thanks, as always.

(My answer was about protection in Calc for the reason I mentioned in my comment below.
Please refer to the comment by @PYS actually answering te question.)

By default the Tab key moves the selection to the next unprotected cell.
If you insist on visual signals you will need user code (“macro”), imo. I would suggest to use a function telling about protection of (single) cells and sheets, and to apply it with a ConditionalFormat overlaying approprately defined cell styles depending on the result.
See this attached example.

Sorry. Just found the question was about tables in Writer documents, and since I never even knew that there cell protection should be possible, I only read the subject and was sure the question was about spreadsheets.
Since I can imagine other user may also read the question and its tags only superficially, I don’t delete the answer meanwhile. (Users may tell me to do so.)

Hi @Lupp

In Calc you just have to switch to ValueHighlighting : the protected cell ranges are grayed out (if the sheet is protected of course).

(In Writer there is no visual indication in the table but the status bar indicates whether the cell is read-only, e.g. read-only Table1.B2).


Thanks for the clarification @PYS. I was by far too rash.
May I suggest you add an answer containing the information you gave? My “answer” isn’t actually one as you know.

Hi @Lupp

I’m not sure because, as far as Writer is concerned, I don’t think my comment brings anything to @appreciatethehelp that he doesn’t already know
