Why do I get :- Unexpected token ., requires FROM in statement [INSERT INTO “WordSubject”(“WordsID”,“SubjectID”) (SELECT “WordsTable” .]
Full statement is :- INSERT INTO “WordSubject”(“WordsID”,“SubjectID”) (SELECT “WordsTable” . “ID” AS “WordsID”, “SubjectTable”.“ID” AS “SubjectID” FROM “WordsTable”,“SubjectTable” WHERE “WordsTable”.“Subject” LIKE ‘%country%’ AND “SubjectTable”.“ID” =‘1’)
WordSubject is a 2 field table containing “WordsID”,“SubjectID” that already exists.
The select statement works fine on it’s own.
This is executed in the Tools>SQL dialogue.
I am using Libre Office Version: in Linux Mint 19.1 with HSQLDB.