Insert picture to Calc and make it attached to cell


please help

Ive attaching picture from top menu.
This picture is included to Calc file on active sheet.
It is include to sheet and attached to page (to sheet).
But I need to make by default attached to cell. Ive attaching many pictures. And it is not nice to change it by hand from “attached to page” to “attached to cell” :frowning:

How to change by default set from “attached to page” to “attached to cell”?

Ive attaching picture from top menu

I’m a little bit astonished. If using Insert -> Image the related insert dialog has an “Anchor: To cell” default (on Windows, Linux and LibreOffice versions, and

image description

Anchoring "To page" only happens on:
  • Drag & drop from file manager
  • Copy & paste from other applications/clipboard


in addition to my comment you might be interested in enhancement request tdf#133299 Option to set the default anchor mode for images in Calc

So the answer as per now to your question is: You cannot change/set the default anchor mode (in Calc)

Hope that answers you questions (though it is obviously not the desired one).

I updated to
Where can I found this option?

Where can I found this option?

Which option? tdf#133299 Option to set the default anchor mode for images in Calc is an enhancement request, which means, somebody requested this to get available. It does not mean at all, that it is already implemented and my answer provides the link, to enable you to follow the request and to regularly check on your own the implementation status - it will be available after the status has changed from NEW to VERIFIED FIXED.

And that’s why I finished with:
So the answer as per now to your question is: You cannot change/set the default anchor mode (in Calc)

Thank you very much. Evrithing is fine! :slight_smile: