Install a ttf font does not work in LibreOffice but works in Word and is in the Macs' font collection

I installed a new font, HelveticaNeueMediumCond (exactly: HelveticaMedCd.ttf), that worked in the Apple Mac’s font collection; The font can also be used in Word. The font doesn’t appear anywhere in LibreOffice.
How do I bring the font - which is in the system - into LibreOffice?
Mac OS Ventura 13.5.2

I do not know how to check the file format - it is written to be .ttf.

Download site:
Is a trueType®-font. Name: Helvetica 67 Medium Condensed
exact download address:

This is an exact duplicate of Installing new fonts in libreoffice (ttf) does not work, no font visible

The only difference is the origin of the font. This should have been added to the original question. Duplicate confuse visitors and contributors.

See my answer ther.
Closing this question to avoid split answers.