Is it possible to have two table side-by-side?

It will save a lot of space & time to read a question paper if this possible, but the main question is, “IS IT POSSIBLE?”. Can the users move the entire table freely like an object and design the document how they want? Like how we can move pictures in LibreOffice Writer.

A scenario where a huge space (& time to read) can be saved if I can move my balance sheet to the empty right side of the Income statement. It would be so cool if I can do this? Is there such an option that I can use to move the balance sheet table around?

Like this:

In this second image, the Balance Sheet is the picture. Not the table which I can actually edit.

Or do I need to create a feature request for this?

Ubuntu 20.10
Package manager: Apt

This is clearly a Writer question. Please retag to remove common tag which means question allso applies to Calc, Impress and Draw.

@ajilittoz I am unable to do that. Whenever I try to delete common and press, it is the same as it was before. I know what “common” is for but I need to put it because of the “Tagging” criteria this site needs to ask the question.

Done. Thanks

See the answer and a comment in 146815/create-two-independent-tables-side-by-side-in-writer.

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@ajlittoz As per your link which mentioned Column Break. I was excited. I went to the table, selected Insert Column Break option from Insert > More Breaks option, but it did not work. There is no break in the column/table. Am I doing something wrong?

The column break is valid only if you’re already in 2-column context. You can Insert>Section to temporarily change the number of columns defined in the page style (or more accurately to create a multi-column area in an existing column). Be aware, though, that a multi-column section may cause automatic column breaks in your tables depending on where the section begins in the page. You still have text flow from one column to the next in a section which may not be what you want.

IMHO, the dual frame solution is more reliable given your goal but it requires more skills with Writer.

What about using a “framing TextTable” and therein two cells of the same row to insert the object tables?
We sometimes disregard that a cell object of a TextTable is (supports the services of) full-featured text and can host a TextTable in turn therefore. See example: exampleNestedTables.odt

(Beyond that my preferred way to get something of the kind would be an OLE embedded spreadsheet. This the more as the shown images actually are talking of sheets.)

@Lupp: a “table of tables” is an excellent alternative. I suggest you make it an answer.

That said, embedding a spreadsheet is probably the best solution as it can be updated without fuss. But we may need to embed two sheets, one for the balance, one for the expenditure. We’re thus back to “how to insert two objects side by side?” Since OLE objects are frames, the frame procedure can be applied.

(Accepting the advice by @ajlittoz with a delay.)

What about using a “framing TextTable” and therein two cells of the same row to insert the object tables?
We sometimes disregard that a cell object of a TextTable is (supports the services of) full-featured text and can host a TextTable in turn therefore. See example: exampleNestedTables.odt

Beyond that my preferred way to get something of the kind would be an OLE embedded spreadsheet. This the more as the shown images actually are talking of sheets.
See also: exampleNestedOLETables.odt

Use Frame and insert table inside frame

(wow. OMG. The website has changed a LOT.)

Anyway, I tried to do what you have just said. I went to Insert > Frame > Frame Interactively. But I cannot select the “insert table” option anymore.

@Pranav wrote

But I cannot select the “insert table” option anymore.

Check the sample file. For editing the tables click outside the frame into text area then click into table. If frame is selected you cannot “move” into included table.
Check the options of anchoring tables, you will find bunches of them (exception: as character).

To erase the trailing paragraph at the end outside the table use shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+DEL in the last table cell. - To add a paragraph again use shortcut ALT+ENTER in the last table cell.

MovableTablesWriter.odt (11.5 KB)

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wow. Thanks. Interesting to see. Wouldn’t have believed that this could be even made from LO.

Anyway, I wish LO made this achievable using simple steps, rather than hacks or pro-gamer moves. Or, maybe what I’m asking is not a standard of the document allows.