Is pasting in calc search mac not working?

Macbook Pro - MacOS Sonoma 14.6
LibreOffice Version (aarc64)
Kazakh or Russian language.
If English is selected, everything works fine.
This problem started back in 2013

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Copy the text from any source on the mac
  2. Fire up calc
  3. Command+F (find) or from the Edit - Find menu.
  4. Place the cursor in the search box in the lower right corner
  5. Command+V or from the Edit-Paste menu
  6. The text is pasted into the last selected cell of the sheet, not the search box!

This is interesting. I don’t have a Mac to test on but can you confirm what language/locale your Mac is set to and whether LibreOffice is set to the same or different?

It may relate to this issue: Copy paste bug in libre writer

language/locale your Mac

Mac locale is English (USA)
LO locale is Default - English (USA)

Copy paste bug in libre writer

That’s a different problem. I encountered a similar one a few years ago in Linux.

Does paste into search from the context menu (right click) work? See comment 96 from tdf#49853

If it is repeatable bug, then you should file a bug report specifying the two languages which don’t work, see How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

After posting the report, please post the bug number here in the format above, tdf…

from the context menu


right click

Works well

please post the bug number


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