Is there a way to turn off the automatic line change?

I’m a Korean user, but the line keeps changing automatically when I use Korean.

For example

①법인의 대표이사는 제2조의 취지에 따라 매
회계연도 개시 1월전까지 그 법인과 해당 법인이

It’s written like this

①법인의 대표이사는 제2조의 취지에 따라 매dddddd
회계연도 개시 1월전까지 그 법인과 해당 법인이

dddddd There was a lot of space left.

①법인의 대표이사는 제2조의 취지에 따라 매 회계연
도 개시 1월전까지 그 법인과 해당 법인이

in this way 회계연
Is there a way to make it continue without changing the line automatically?

It’s no obvious to me. Can you share a sample file to test? Thanks.

So, do you expect that 회계연도 be line-break hyphenated without -, like

or with hyphen like

How much is the right indent of this paragraph?

Are you copying the text from an external source? What if you enable Formatting Marks? Do you see an Enter symbol (line break) at the right of the first line?

Since most of us are not familiar with Korean language, can you explain more clearly the point? Is Korean text divided into “words”, i.e. characters form groups separated by spaces? Is such a group meaningful? In other words, if line wrap occurs in the middle of the group, does it change its meaning?

sample file.odt (12.1 KB)

There is no room:
or you can hyphenate the word:

[quote=“LeroyG, post:2, topic:97500”]

One of the functions of organizing the system of English-language documents in a warprocessor, segmenting using a hyphen (-) when a word continues from the end of a line to the next line. A hyphenated dictionary is used because each word has a good position to divide into hyphens. On the other hand, moving the entire word to the next row without hyphen connection processing is called a word wraparound.

In the Korean language system, I can’t understand hyphen well because I don’t use the system. Formatting leaves an enter mark at the end.
I copied it from the outside and brought it.

Spacing is meaningful in Korea. If you paste it, it’s hard to see it, and sometimes the meaning changes. There is meaning conversion due to spacing, but there is no meaning conversion due to line splitting. I just asked for a question because the empty space at the end makes me uncomfortable when I see the whole text due to the line breaking. And in Korean, we don’t use hyphen systems.

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Thank you for your help. However, hyphen systems can be rather strange because they are rarely used in Korea.