There will be only limited information provided by Libreoffice on CSV files as they are not part of LibreOffice but a external format with simple and limited formating.
There have been a number of questions asked, and answers given on the topic of CSV files. It is worth searching them for there useful information.
It is important to understand that s CSV file is a simple TEXT file which contains NO formatting information including character set used nor delimiter characters, if any. Hence, the character set used must be defined at creation, and the receiver must be told the character set and delimiters used, or else they have to guess.
The following extract was taken from the Wikipedia article.
A CSV file typically stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text, in which case each line will have the same number of fields.
Many applications that accept CSV files have options to select the delimiter character and the quotation character. Semicolons are often used instead of commas in many European areas in order to use the comma as the decimal separator and, possibly, the period as a decimal grouping character.
I hope this helps.
A few more thoughts.
The topic of CSV OPEN and SAVE is considered in some detail in the LibreOffice Calc Guide Chapter 1 Introduction. This manual is available to download from the LibreOffice Documentation Website.
LibreOffice uses the International Unicode (UTF-8) standard. Western Europe ISO-8859-1 and American US-ASCII are subsets of this standard. So data restricted to US-ASCII, for example, delimiter punctuation, appears interchangeable.
As a .csv file (often also labeled .txt) contains no content formatting information except Cr-Lf at the end of each record and I believe Cr without a Lf to tell the file is finished, you need to explicitly tell LibreOffice any delimiter information. The Text Import dialogue gives you help here.
CSV Comma-separated-values is a name of historical interest, but is, of course, confusing when many of us you no longer use a comma (,) but a semi-colon (;) or something else.