Java for base, windows

I consider the instructions to connect LibreOfficeBase to Java very troublesome.
I cannot manage even to make a single table.

It is really a showstopper. I have tried to install JRE/JDK latest version 32 bit. I have uninstalled 64 bits versions.

More help is needed


Using Windows, you need to install a 32-bit JRE if you are using a 32-bit LibreOffice or a 64-bit JRE if using a 64-bit LO. You can get these from Oracle (click here). The latest version is 8u112. If you are still having a problem, see both answers in this post - click here.

I have tried all thar.

Please give the following: Windows version/bits; LO version/bits; JRE or JDK installed/bits; Is Use a Java runtime environment checked?; do you see any items listed in Java runtime environments already installed:; What error are you getting and under what circumstances?

The option that Ratslinger is telling you about is found in Menu - Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Advanced