I am making a budget template with Expenses, Income and Savings.
In the dashboar I am using donut charts(1 for each type of transactions) to show me the largest 5 transactions for each category of the 3 types of transaction + a 6th representing for other transactions (the total of the remaining categories)
So far I have noticed that the donut chart is arranged based on the weight of the transaction, which for the 5 largest categories is fine. But if the “other” value is larger that any of the other five it is positioned according to its value and it messes with my dinamic label colours.
Is it possible, in Libre Cal, on a donut chart to have the “other” always on left of 12 o’clock regardless of its weight?
Could you recommend a suggestion on how to achieve that?
I have added a sapmple for clarity.
Sample for donut chart.ods (26.7 KB)
I believe in the end I have figure it out myself. Ihad to alocate the colours correctly in the chart and change to clockwise orientation.