Libre Impress - cut and paste text box results in Image not a text box

I read through some solutions to his problem but they do not work for me.
This behaviour has started following a major update by MXlinux this week and LO is given in the install?
Is it an issue of versions? Some text boxes copy/paste OK and others just paste an image of the text box. These text boxes have been created over a number of years but repeatedly saved by an updated system.

If I try to repeat the copy and paste several times it will occasionally paste the original text box but clearly this is not a lifestyle or a productive way to get a simple copy and paste of a text box

Any ideas gratefully received

Version: / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 40(Build:2)
CPU threads: 16; OS: Linux 6.12; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Debian package version: 4:7.4.7-1+deb12u6
Calc: threaded

See: LibreOffice copy/paste issue xfce 20.3

Try this:

Select the text box and copy it.

Switch to the destination location.

At the destination location, use Paste Special with any option other than Image.

Thanks for the message and the possible solution.

The ā€˜paste specialā€™ option is not available on the mouse shortcut which slows everything down.

It is available on the window menu but has no effect on the problem but pastes it as a bitmap rather than a .png image that the shortcut ā€˜pasteā€™ gives.

As this is the first time to use Impress after the major update I had from my OS (MXlinux) I wondered if they had updated the version of LOffice too, as it was bundled with the original install. Might have to post a question on their forum too.

does anyone think a re-installation of LO makes sense?

It might be a clipboard manager interfering with the clipboard. The update might have included one as a ā€œbonusā€.

Maybe try to disable it at startup, see this thread,

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I tried this and it has no effect, sadly

Look for other clipboard managersā€¦

Well I deleted all the clipboard managers yesterday and have no need for a manager as such. I am a user of LO not someone who needs to repeat text, like programmers for instance.
However, if the manager replaced a defective copy / paste system in LO then I would consider it?
As of now I am no clearer as to why the copy / paste system is not working.
A few moments ago I was aware of the issue of a new version of LO and have downloaded a copy. Then I will not be using the OS version. I will report back any progress I may make.

I looked at Calc and Writer versions of copy/paste from the mouse menu - both these allow multiple paste special options but Impress doesnā€™t.
Paste Special is only available from the top menu in Impress and only allows paste as bitmap

I have the same issue in Debian Trixie. Copy/paste in Impress requires two repeated attempts. The first paste is always an image, the second paste is correct. This happens when copying anything (text box, equations, entire slidesā€¦). Deleting my clipboard manager has no effect.

Here is the version information for me:

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 480(Build:2)
CPU threads: 20; OS: Linux 6.12; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Debian package version: 4:24.8.4-2
Calc: threaded

also @Shay1231 How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

Maybe consider bug report for your distribution of Linux too.

Many thanks for reaching out about this. I reckon I have lost three working days on this alone, although it is for pleasure use in my case :slight_smile:

I found a solution, sort of. I was using the XFCE desktop environment when I was having this issue. After a fresh install of Debian Trixie with the Cinnamon desktop environment, the copy/paste problem in Impress goes away. My guess is this bug has something to do with the window manager, but I am not sure about that. It isnā€™t exactly a Libreoffice bug.

Thanks Matt,
I just wrote to someone saying it has to be a combination effect or others would have it

Thanks to all those above for their suggestions.
My personal view is that it has to be an LO problem

  • there is no problem in Writer and Calc both offer alternative paste options
    -my laptop has the same versions running and the same problem, this laptop has only been updated and not used for making changes of any kind to software.

I can believe it is a combination problem of some sort but the LO paste options would not change unless LO and clipboard software were talking to each other in a different way in the three LO modules given above. That again points to an LO glitch
I am going to change the clipboard again as I have the same problem in an earlier version of LO to see if there is a successful combination
After that I will see but I have already lost the quivalent of working days dealing with this .

So, I now have a situation described by Matt Yates (mzyates) above where if I repeat the process of copy and paste the second copy of the text box works - which means I can at least use it but drive myself mad in the process :slight_smile:

I deleted all reference to clipman in synaptic and there are no wayland clipboard references in synaptic
The only reference to clip or cliboard that come in the synaptic search are -

So to work every second attempt means something is flip-flopping or being cancelled and started but I have no idea what.

By the way, if I am to write a bug report I need to characterise the fault as best as I can?

For the bug report, just write what you have found. What happens when you do something and what your expectations are.
Copy details from About LibreOffice and also say when problems began, update version maybe.
A bug report with some information is way better than no report at all.
Donā€™t forget to write the bug report number back here so others can find it.

OK, it is getting late here so it may be tomorrow as I want to try something else.
Thanks for the help, prompts and suggestions :slight_smile:

Bug tdf#165289 - Copy Paste of Textboxes results in a picture
Filed this today on Bugzilla

[EarnestAl edited to create link]

This is the address of the same problem on mxlinux forum - mxlinux is the OS in question aas the problem might related to the LOffice version distributed within the OS