Libre Office Calc how COLOR function work

I need how does the COLOR function work? I need to output the color value of a
table cell to another table cell.

Could you please tell us, what is unclear with the information given in LibreOffice help - COLOR?

> I need to output the color value of a table cell to another table cell.

This requires a macro because COLOR() just turns a (r;g;b[;alpha]) tuple into a decimal value but you need to get the (background) color of a cell. In other words: Function COLOR() does not support your task at all.

Thanks for the reply. Since the table is not large, I by hand wrote the color value of the cell to the another cell.


a simple user function could look like this (this is not an elaborated solution, just an outline):

Function GETBGCOLOR(sCellAddr as String)

    Dim oSheet As Object
    Dim oCell  As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet  
    oCell  = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(sCellAddr)   
    GETBGCOLOR  = oCell.CellBackColor
End Function

and could be called by:

[1] =GETBGCOLOR(CELL("address";A1)) (preferred, can be copied with regular address adaption) –or–
[2] =GETBGCOLOR("A1") (needs to be adapted, if A1 should be relative)

See also following sample file, which contains the user function: GETBGCOLOR.ods