I already deleted the file, but as mentioned it’s not the first time it’s happened. I’m running the most current version of Libre, having installed the latest update this morning.
The strike through and underlining has happened before on text and rich text documents, too. I have a library just a couple blocks away so I usually will email a document to myself, then walk to the library to print it out. Generally, I only print a couple times per week, but they are usually fairly large jobs.
The underlining and strike through first happened with a document I had emailed myself to print. I figured it had something to do with having sent it through email, although I’ve been doing it this way for years now. So now I export to PDF before emailing it to myself to print later.
However it had done this again several times afterwards with rich text docs. Some had been saved and opened successfully, but later when opened again it had the underlines and strikethroughs, which were a pain to remove as they weren’t both consistent throughout the text. In other words, much of the text had both underlines and strikethroughs, but some only had one or the other (so I couldn’t just highlight the page and eliminate them, but had to go sometimes line by line).
It was the same thing really with this spread sheet this morning. It had been saved numerous times while editing it with no difficulty. But when I closed and opened it, wow! A hot mess!
I’ve since rebuilt the spreadsheet and re-entered all the data…and I just re-opened it again while typing this reply and it’s working now.
While I do appreciate your knowledgable input, I’m not a tech guy and wouldn’t know what to do about " failing HDD/bad sectors", but would hope that Libre reads these messages and figures out how to fix the bug in the program.
Thanks again for your thoughtful response!