LibreOffice does not open after install of 25.2.1

Installed 25.2.1 today; now LibreOffice does not open from desktop.
Windows 10

Do you get any error messages? If so what exactly do they say?

I get no error messages.
The cursor activates into a blue circle momentarily when the short-cut is double clicked on the desktop. That is the only change I perceive.

Until you have a better answer, you can open LibreOffice from the Start menu, LibreOffice, LibreOffice (Safe Mode).

Once in there, I suggest turning on Skia rendering, as hardware acceleration for graphics tends to crash. Tools > Options > View > Force Skia software rendering.

Thank you. I learned how to do what you suggest, and it does open in safe mode. But I’d like to be able to use the program normally.

Understandable. I meant to write graphics, not graphs, which I corrected. After enabling Skia rendering, try opening LibreOffice normally.

Beyond that, sorry, I don’t know enough to help further.

Again, thank you.
I have turned on Skia rendering as you suggested, in safe mode.
Having then closed LibreOffice, I tried once again to open it normally, but it did not work.
My initial problem remains.

Try the following:

(1) With LibreOffice completely shut down go to the following location in Windows Explorer: C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\ There you will see a folder titled ‘LibreOffice’. Rename the folder to “LibreOffice OLD”.

(2) Now try and launch LibreOffice — LibreOffice will create and entirely new User Profile folder and it will be at factory settings. If LibreOffice launches okay then that indicates that something in your OLD profile that is the issue.

(3) Assuming a positive launch you now have a couple of options.

(3a) You can just accept the new Profile and make all your normal settings for LibreOffice via Tools > Options…

(3b) Or, you can selectively from your OLD profile copy into the new Profile folder content that contain settings for items you want to retain for the new Profile. So, for example from the OLD profile you can copy over the content of folders ‘template’ and ‘wordbook’ — and so forth. However, caution on this. It is possible that the issue you are facing is because of a ‘extension’ you have installed — so, on that basis, if it was me, I wouldn’t copy over the content of the ‘extensions’ folder. So omit that folder for now.

(3c) Assuming, after reconfiguring LibreOffice, you now have a working program you could, one at a time try adding extensions that you use and see if any one of them causes the problem you originally faced. If any one of them does then you know to not use that extension, but you could helpfully submit a bug report for it.

(3d) If your problem is solved and you are happy with the result you can safely delete your OLD User Profile and LibreOffice will now be using the new User Profile anyway.

EDIT: You might find the following helpful: LibreOffice user profile

Many thanks Radish.
It was helpful to read the material in the link to “LibreOffice user profile”.
I took step 1 and renamed the folder to “LibreOffice OLD”.
At step 2, LibreOffice did not launch.

So that did not work.
However, reading the “LibreOffice user profile” page you pointed to strongly suggests I revert to the previous user profile.
In Explorer, I see that a new folder “LibreOffice” sits above “LibreOffice OLD”.
So something happened when I tried to launch.
For the moment, I have not done anything more.
I’m still minded to revert to the filename “LibreOffice” from “LibreOffice OLD”.
But a bit of a delay is probably in order so that I can see if other suggestions are made.

The new “LibreOffice” folder that you are seeing is the one that LibreOffice newly created when it couldn’t find the previous (I.e. OLD) folder. If you want to revert to your previous Profile just delete the new Profile and then rename your OLD folder back to plain “LibreOffice” — LibreOffice will revert to using that folder as the working Profile folder.

Now I’m out of ideas. It’s strange that it will start in Safe Mode but decline to open when it has auto-created a new Profile folder.

Hopefulyl someone with more expertise will come along and assist.

One question that arises in my mind: Did the newly created “LibreOffice” folder have any content? Subfolders, etc.

Try step 1 in my comment here, Version 25.2.03 will not work on my Win 10 Home. - #4 by EarnestAl

Cheers, Al

Thank you for your suggestions so far.
The newly created “LibreOffice” folder does have subfolders.
In the pattern:
subfold 4
subfold user
subfold extensions this contains something called “buildid”

I shall delete the new “LibreOffice” and rename the OLD
Thank you

Hi Al
Thank you for your suggestion, and link.
After going back and
Deleting the new “LibreOffice” folder, then
Renaming “LibreOffice OLD” to “LibreOffice”

I then restarted in Safe mode,
selected the Option button Configure, and ticked the box Disable hardware acceleration as suggested.

When I clicked “Apply Changes and Restart”
LibreOffice opened in Safe Mode.

So clicked “Continue in Safe Mode”
and went to Tools>Options>LibreOffice and ticked the box “Force Skia software rendering”
LibreOffice restarted in Safe Mode

I clicked on Restart in Normal Mode

And Libre Office has restarted normally.

Looks like it is solved.

Bravo. Many thanks. Whew. W