Libreoffice draw "helplines while moving" "disappear" after a second

I;m using LibreOffice Draw on Debian Linux Bullseye and create a shape. After setting the size, I want to move it into position where it is to be. I click on it with left mouse button and the helplines show up then before I can do anything while the button is pressed, the helplines disappear. A little arrow pointing at my mouse pointer which has changed to fingers and what looks like a sheet of paper show up. So when I move the object, it is impossible to position correctly without the helplines. Helplines is checked in the Tools–>Options–>LibreOffice–>View menu.

What am I doing wrong?

Edit: If I copy an object and move it, the helplines stay. If I then move it again or grab another shape to move, they disappear.

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You might have gestures (or similarly named effect) turned on in your pointing device.

same here, helplines change to sheet of paper. LibreOffice Linux