Libreoffice writer can't start numerotation at a given number: that number then appears below EACH page unchanged, instead of incrementing !

All is in the title: whatever the way to add page numerotation, if I choose to start at say, ‘4’, the number ‘4’ will repeat below each page. I absolutely need this function though … if someone could start with the same version - I think it is the regular Fresh version - and then with the Still version.
Thanks !

See this answer click here.

The second paragraph of the answer should solve your situation.

Thanks, because I think it SHOULD have worked, normally.
BUT, and I tried with 4 versions, the last (ordinary) fresh version included:
The page number is set exactly as I want, BUT, everything else has been messed up. Headers and what’s inside, be it text or images, is doubled, the double being sent elsewhere, not even in the same place. The page constants are also altered, the numbers for the margins, height etc change, and so all my work is completely messed up.
When I put the right numbers for the page constants, nothing come back how it was.

I can’t believe EVERY libreoffice works (or doesn’t work) that way, there must be reason ! Or LO is the worst written piece of software garbage I’ve ever seen these last time. They should be ashamed …

ps: I went in “Format” “Title Page” and then I set the page numbering to begin at the number I want.

Sorry to hear of your problems. Using many different documents, different LO versions (including 5.3.0 alpha) and using both Format Title Page and Paragraph Text Flow methods all worked fine. The only direction I have is possibly something in the user profile. See this link on how to clear click here. As mentioned on the page, please make a backup of the profile first.