LibreOffice Writer cannot paste copied text

My God how is it frustrating that sometimes LibreOffice writer cannot paste copied text but instead pastes a text that you have copied earlier.
I have complained about that several times here, but nothing happens.
I think that it is so serious a problem that someone OUGHT do something about it.
I have though many times about making a donation to the LibreOffice but until this problem has been solved I will not donate a dime.
I use Windows 10.

You can complain here and nothing will be done, that is sure, see How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

Note that clipboard managers are the usual culprit for pasting not working correctly

The only time I’ve had that happen I was so busy and distracted I afterwards realized I thought I had copied the text but hadn’t.

If you could describe how you attempt to copy and paste text, others might be able to attempt to replicate the problem and find a solution.

For example: From where are you copying the text? The current document, another LOW document, an internet site, a document from another source – specify?

What method are you using to copy the text? Do you use Ctrl + C or some other method?

What method are you using to paste the text? Do you use Ctrl + V?
Do you use Edit>Paste? Do you use Edit>Paste Special…>Paste Unformatted Text?

This is about the 5th thread you open about your problem, more threads don’t help anything.

Also, you were hinted several times that a faulty clipboard manager on your system may be the culprit, like in Copy does not work - #7 by Villeroy or Copy does not work - #14 by ve3oat or Paste unformatted text - does not work - #6 by EarnestAl or How I can copy text into a LO document? - #5 by Wanderer but each time you refuse to investigate or even accept that might be the case or cooperate in any other way.

I'm closing this thread.