LibreOffice (X64) on Windows 10 Home
I have a problem with using label printing. I have created an ODT document with a template of 2 x 7 labels, each label with several fields. I have used the document for printing 50 sheets of labels successfully. I came to do a second label merge using the same document but a new XLS spreadsheet as a database. I registered the spreadsheet as a database and the all new rows show in data sources.
The problem comes when I try and do the print of the labels. It only prints every other label starting with the first. I also noticed it prints the first label in the right column, the third in the left column, the fifth in the right column and so on. None of the even ones are printed.
I have tried saving the document, creating a new spreadsheet and registering it, using a different version of LibreOffice on my laptop. All show the same problem. I ‘solved’ my problem by taking the last row in the spreadsheet and making it the first. As expected it printed the new odd (originally even) rows. So the problem seems to live with the document, rather than the spreadheet or version of LibreOffice.
Creating the ODT file is a pain and not simple for not IT people. I was hoping to be able to just send the ODT file to otehr people so they could reuse it.
I have attached test versions of ODT, XLS that demonstrate the problem.
Any suggestions please?
LOAddressLabelsTest.odt (16.7 KB)
TestLabels.xlsx (13.5 KB)