I am trying to export my document to pdf. I would like the pdf to have the links embedded in it for bookmarks or contents.
One way to do this is, for example, if I have a subtitle or section heading, say “introduction”, then I can select the text and set the style to “Heading 1” or “Heading 2”. Then when I export to pdf, and open it with my pdf viewer, then the contents are shown on the left hand side. There will be an entry called “introduction” which when left clicked on will jump you to the “introduction” section.
I don’t want to use this method, because the styles change the font, size and position of the text, which I then have to change back manually, which is probably going to take a long time since I have a lot of sections to change…
I have tried adding bookmarks to do allow this same feature in pdf viewers, but even with the “export bookmarks” checkbox ticked, I don’t get any links in the contents tab of the pdf viewer. Not that it should matter, but I am on KUbuntu, and so my pdf reader is Okular.
Am I barking up the wrong tree with bookmarks? Should I be using something different?
I do not want to change the styles one at a time.