Lines in imported SVG are modified when using "break"


When doing presentations I often like to separate elements of a figure and bring them in one at a time. The “break” option for imported SVGs lets me do this, but unfortunately it seems to modify figures in a non ideal way. As a minimally working example, in version I tried importing this figure (sharing as a google drive link the SVG as it is not a valid upload format here):

After breaking the figure down, everything is perfect, except that the linestyles are lost:

Is this something I should report as a bug?

Compared to Inkscape which can “break” the object correctly this seems to be a bug of LO Draw.

BTW: Could @Regina check this? - Thanks a lot!

There a workaround although it might not work for all svg and it takes longer

  • Select the svg, click File > Export As > Export as PDF and choose Selection
  • Open the pdf in Draw, drag a selection rectangle around the objects, copy and paste into Impress

SVGLinesModifedByBreak.odp (46.9 KB)

Curiously, both the dotted line from pdf and the unbroken line from Break are described as Polyline with 88 corners selected meaning the solid green line is not solid at all, just a group of shorter lines

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Indeed that serves as a workaround! Bit cumbersome but good enough, would be ideal if breaking the object would behave as intended to make things quicker but having this workaround as an option allows me to use impress now.

What I’ve been using for many years is inkscape+a custom script that turns inkscape layers into slides and collates them into a pdf. Bit of a pain but allowed me to do whatever I wanted with vector graphics in plots, such as breaking them down and building them up piece by piece. Having a way to do that in impress significantly simplifies my workflow :).

Could mark your suggestion as a solution, but probably still a good idea to make a bug report?

I had a feeling there was a report but I found it only this morning, tdf#155211 . You could add yourself to the CC list.

If I insert your sample into Draw and click Shape > Break, it keeps its dotted appearance but the individual dots need to be grouped into a line so might be more difficult to manage, especially with complex objects.

Thanks for digging into that, will subscribe to it

Just adding here for reference (in case the google drive link dissapears in the future), this is what the original figure looks like: