Linux Libertine wrong on Ubuntu based distros

I lost about 2 hours a this weekend trying to troubleshoot why my current technical editor opened my 598 page book and got north of 900 pages with a lot of weird page breaks. I was using Linux Libertine for the main font as it used to be the default years ago. It was then I discovered Windows has this by default.
image description

But even after installing the Linux Libertine font directly from the .org site for the font I had this on Linux.
image description

I have blown pretty much all of today setting up different VMs and testing with the latest and greatest 6.3.4 direct from the LO Web site. I installed Ubuntu Mate 18.04 minimal and after installing LO from the command line I see this:
image description

Here are my questions:

  1. Was the O vs. G font name a known LO bug which has now been fixed or is this a problem in the Debian/Ubuntu maintainer world?
  2. If LO really is including the G version now with 6.3.4 why did I not see it when I installed 6.3.4 on KDE Neon?


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On Linux, if you install the LibreOffice that comes with your distribution, the fonts are managed by your package manager, not by LibreOffice.

Note that:

Linux Libertine O is the original project, but its development stopped several years ago.

Linux Libertine G is a fork of the “O” version that uses graphite technology. Its development also stopped years ago.

Libertinus fonts is also a fork of the “O” version, this time using OpenType technology. It’s in active development.

My advice: stop using Linux Libertine, O or G, and switch to the Libertinus font family ASAP.

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It’s in active development

But the github page tells:

This project is in maintenance mode. Only bug reports will be considered, or feature requests accompanied by pull requests.

Last build is only 7 days old :wink: The maintainer is quick to respond to reports.