The only way I found to reproduce the problem was to fiddle with the “list” toolbar button.
I first created a paragraph style with list property (linked to a built-in list style). I typed a few paragraph in the current paragraph style. I selected those paragraphs and applied my custom paragraph style with list property (like your List Contents). I then changed the numbering from the toolbar button drop-down menu.
Considering it is only an experiment, I transferred the change into the list style so that it becomes permanent. To make things more demonstrative, I chose a different numbering than the one from the button. Applied, saved, reopened.
The list displays with the toolbar formatting.
Remember that whenever you play with toolbar buttons, you create direct formatting. What is worse is that bullet/numbering changes cannot be removed with Format
>Clear direct formatting
. The golden rule is whenever you style your document, never use again direct formatting because there are non obvious interactions between styles and direct formatting. The first of which is precedence of D.F. over styles.
To recover from the situation:
- select your list item paragraphs
- apply Default Style paragraph style
>Clear direct formatting
- make sure all toolbar button are deselected (this is mainly for the bullet and numbering buttons)
- apply your custom style for the list
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