LO Calc - trying to create a horizontal line (timeline) and place just a label at positions on the x-axis

I am attempting to build a pseudo timeline with a range of -300000 to +2050 with individual events indicated on the horizontal time line at the appropriate place. The increments of the horizontal line are not equal and are based on values in column A of the spreadsheet and the event pseudo dates values are in column B. I would like it to look something like this:
Is this possible using the charting wizard?
I would like to update it frequently adding additional items in column B.

I have played with this for a couple of days and haven’t figured out how to achieve the desired result or something even close. The values in the cells in column B are displayed on the Y-axis.

If this is not feasible, just let me know.

Thanks in advance,

timeline.ods (15.3 KB)

I don’t understand the

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Thank you so much. That is exactly what I was trying to achieve. My mistake was trying to use two columns, the first to attempt to establish the range and the second to identify milestones when I only needed to identify and chart the milestones. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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