Macro to copy cells & paste into active cell

Just looking for a way to copy the cells (A1:D1) then paste them into my active cell
The active cell changes all the time so I need the macro to paste A1:D1 my active cell.
I will be copying and pasting other info so I can’t just keep A1:D1 on the clipboard, I need to reselect it, copy it, then paste it onto my active cell.

I had a way of doing this in Google Sheets, but I can’t find a way to create a macro to do this for me here.
I can copy the cells with a macro, I can paste with another macro, but I can’t put the two together.
Sorry I can’t find the answer anywhere. Please let me know if you require further info.
Thanks so much

Do you want to copy the formatting properties too, or only the cell content (strings? values? formulas?)?

What operating system are you using?
The Windows 10 has a new Clipboard manager function. Try it: hit WinKey-V

Hi. Just the contents of the cell. Thanks, sorry I didn’t mention that

Just a note to add, I want to paste the contents into a range of cells, starting with my active cell. So if I am copying A1:D1, I want to paste it into G7:J7 (where G7 is my active cell). Hope that makes sense

Yes windows 10. I’ll try to have a look at the WinKey-V function

Not happening with the Windows Key Paste function. When I copy something else and try to paste A1:D1 again, it says “The contents of the clipboard could not be pasted”.

You must switch On this function of the Win10 before.
But I just heard this new function now in an another thread of the AskLibo, but I never tried it before.
I just tried it now, and it works for me in my Win10x64Prof and with LO 6.2.8
It must to pop-up a little panel at the right-bottom of the screen with message “switch on the feature” or something similar else. And there is a button on the panel to switch on the function. If this panel not popping up for you (when you hit WinKey-V), then your Win10 has not updated recently.

Re: Win Key & Paste. Yes I have got it turned on. I got the pop up window and selected what to paste and then it comes up with the error that I mentioned before. Not sure if that has to do with any formatting etc on my worksheet. Thanks for the info on that, I wasn’t aware of it. It will be a good tool to have

It could be like this:

Sub copyHere
Const SOURCE_RANGE = "A1:D1"
Dim oCurrentController As Variant,  oSheet As Variant
Dim oCellRangeByName As Variant,  aRangeAddress As New
Dim oCurrentSelection As Variant
Dim oCellByPosition As Variant,  aCellAddress As New

	oCurrentController = ThisComponent.getCurrentController()
	oSheet = oCurrentController.getActiveSheet()
	oCellRangeByName = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(SOURCE_RANGE)
	aRangeAddress = oCellRangeByName.getRangeAddress()
	oCurrentSelection = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
	If oCurrentSelection.supportsService("") Then oCurrentSelection = oCurrentSelection.getByIndex(0)
	oCellByPosition = oCurrentSelection.getCellByPosition(0, 0)
	aCellAddress = oCellByPosition.getCellAddress()
	oSheet.copyRange(aCellAddress, aRangeAddress)
End Sub

There is one inaccuracy in this code - the contents of the specified cells will not be inserted into the Active cell, but into the upper left selected cell


BINGO!!! Thanks so much, it’s doing exactly what I wanted. Really appreciate the help and solution.

Bonjour JohnSUN, je suis tout nouveau sur le site et je viens de voir cette macro que tu as fait C’est exactement ce qu’il me faudrait. Serait il possible que le copier ne copie que le contenu de la cellule et non tout le format,Ma cellule active changede couleur Je voudrait que le contenu soit sur fond transparent

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