Mail Merge on Zorin on LO 24

I’ve spent several hours trying to get mail merge to work in the newest version of Libre Office; I’ve recreated my data source several times, I’ve tried inserting the fields by using Insert>Field>(actual field name) as well as View>Data Sources followed by “dragging” the field name into the document.

If I try to print to file “all” records it will say “printing 1 of 2” then “printing 2 of 2” no matter how many I actually have, and then I will end up with only one page with only the 1st 2 fields filled in and the rest blank.

If I try printing selected records or 1 to [max records] it says “printing x of 2” where x goes into the hundreds (far more than I actually have) and never seems to end.

My data source is a spreadsheet and the first row is the field names