Mailing with Dynamic images

Hi everyone,

I’d like to know if what I need exists and is possible, and if it is, I’d like to know how.

I need to perform a mailing, using Libreoffice Writer and Calc. The text part works fine: I have the document with variables fields, and I have the database in Calc with the data. Let’s put an example :
Let’s imagine I have to present all the freelance workers I work with, each one in a different country. 99% of the text is static, and only the name of every people I work with, and his city, country, phone number and email change. Basic mailing stuff.

But I’d like the pictures to work with the mailing system too: I mean, that I’d like the picture of the people I work with to also dynamically change, along with the picture of the city and country he lives in.

Let’s say I want one document with Pierre Dupont name, address and a pic of him amd one of Paris, another document with Jimmy Smith’s name, address and a pic of him and of London, and another one with Pedro Gonzalez address and pic, along with Madrid’s pic.

Is it possible? And if it is, how would you do it?
Thanks a lot !

Unfortunately, images do not work with mail merge.

Since images can be fields in a database record, have a try with Base and its report generator. This may imply that your data should be stored in a real DB instead of Calc. (not tested)

Unfortunately, the document has a lot of layout and long texts, so it has to be in Writer. But I’ll have a look at it, even though I never used Base before, and I don’t know anything about it. Thanks a lot !

Thank you very much. I was afraid so… I even tried to insert images in calc and perform the mailing function, but indeed, it doesn’t work. Thanks a lot

Download and extract PicDB
Open Database.odb which is connected to the spreadsheet Source.ods.
Click “Reports” and open the report.